Lets celebrate Digital Marketing Day in 2021

Lets celebrate Digital Marketing Day in 2021

Almost every organization today is aware of the importance of digital marketing, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Because with lockdowns and social distancing, we have all seen how important it is to keep up with competitors and innovate new trends.

Digital marketing via social media is one of the most important aspects of successful businesses. This is true with more and more people using the Internet. You would be surprised to know that the total number of Internet users in India has increased from 795 million at end-December 2020 to over 825 million at end-March 2021 and the number is growing!

Digital Marketing - The need of the hour for your business

Customer behaviour

Nowadays, before buying anything, customers research everything about it online and then make a decision. They check about your company’s presence – its website, as well as social media handles, and even look for reviews to know what other people say about your product and your company.

When a potential customer does not find you online, they may think that your business is not genuine and will look for an alternative quickly. You have to remember that not just your customers, but your competitors too are online.

Importance of digital marketing to your business: